Company Profile

Born Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. is a “new born” specialty pharmaceutical company established in 2020 and based at Hyderabad, Telangana State, India. Even though the name of our company is New Born but that is not a reflection of our expertise. We have experience in the field of distribution of exclusive portfolios of healthcare, critical care, intravenous infusions, sterilized water for injections, and nebules, among others.

What’s our motto :

To raise the bar of quality in Large Volume Parenterals / Small Volume Parenterals for our consumers at unbeatable and the most economical prices. Our experience in the healthcare and critical care domains has positioned us to provide outstanding customer service. We are innovating each day as we evaluate new products, expand and improve the product lines we manage.


At Born Healthcare, we believe that research begets solutions beget a better life. This philosophy has encouraged us to commit ourselves into extensive research and development towards the manufacturing and marketing products that can help our Partners in Progress - Consumer/Channel Partners.

We look forward to benchmark internally, Quality standards which are better than the best. This philosophy we breath in daily and believe that better products can be delivered at a reasonable price.


To contribute in a meaningful way to the healthcare industry by offering high-quality products to our clients and consumers.


Born Healthcare strives to make a difference in the born healthcare industry through sustained innovation. 

About Us

Born Healthcare Pvt.Ltd. is a “new born” specialty pharmaceutical company established in 2020 and based at Hyderabad,Telangana State, India.

Reach Us

Vijayapuri south lalaguda post,

Phone: +91 40 27014465
Cell: +91-97041 61116

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